The structure of my services plays a significant role in the outcome of our journey together. Overall, my mission is to support and direct your purposeful journey from searching for college options through enrolling and beginning classes. The goal of our search and admissions process is a school that will be an integral step towards a sustainable, fulfilling career and a college that will foster life-long relationships, learning, and engagement with the world around you. For this reason, substantial, intentional work has gone in to how services are structured.
Because your journey is personal and your goals are unique, my structures are flexible.
I offerPackage and Hourly StructureOptions
By and large, my college counseling structure of services are available in two industry-standard options: as a package or by the hour.
The best experience and outcome comes through the package option. Indeed, my packages incorporate all of the college counseling services I provide, along with additional guidance and coaching based on your unique goals. Engaging in a package of services ensures that you have the wrap-around support for the many tasks involved in effective college preparation and excellent admissions outcomes.
If you are looking for support only on a specific topic related to your college planning and admissions process, then my hourly structure may be sufficient to meet your needs. Hours are purchased upfront in blocks of three or more hours at a time. Often, families may seek initial support for only one topic. However, as they proceed deeper into the college research and application process, many quickly realize the benefit of a package’s multifaceted support.
What College Counseling Service Looks Like
Step 1: Initial Consultation
Before services begin, we’ll meet for a complimentary, no-strings-attached initial consultation. This 30-60 minute meeting is where you, your parents/guardians, and I will all sit down together. You’ll be able to share your hopes and questions for your college journey. And you’ll learn more about my philosophy of support and services I provide. Finally, we’ll discuss what structure of services could best fit your needs.
Following this meeting you’ll have time to review my engagement letter and terms of service. Then, depending on the direction of your services, you’ll receive intake assessments (for students and parents), sign-in credentials for your Custom College Plan account, and instructions for how to schedule our first session at your convenience.
Step 2: Guidance
Above all, one-on-one meetings are the core of our work together. These meetings are where you receive guidance for your process and knowledgeable advice gleaned from my years of experience. Our meetings take place remotely via Zoom, Skype, or Google Hangout. If you are in Calgary, and time and space allow, we can schedule in-person, face-to-face meetings. Additionally, clients working in the package structure have continuing access to my support and guidance outside of meetings through email, text messages, and phone calls.
Through the work that happens in and between our meetings, we’ll move through the progression below:
Step 3: Celebrate & Transition
As I have shown, college planning and admissions is a multi-faceted journey of discovery. We’ll celebrate the learning and growth along the way. At the culmination of your journey, you’ll want to celebrate the relief, sense of accomplishment, and overall pride you’ll feel, too!
When we work in the package structure, our work isn’t over here. Unlike some college counselors, we don’t part ways once applications are submitted or acceptance letters are received. You’ll have questions about the financial aid packages and college acceptance offers you receive. And once you’ve made your decision, you’ll be looking at a housing deposit, course registration, orientation planning, and more. I’m here to support you through those steps, helping to bridge your successful transition from high school graduate to established university student.
Have questions about how a college counselor can assist students and families? Check out Higher Education Consultants Association (HECA) to learn more. Additionally, you can reach out to me directly!
“I found out recently that I have been accepted to my early decision college. I am so excited and just wanted to thank you for helping me with college. Your advice and help was extremely helpful to me. In this busy, stressful time, I always enjoyed talking with you about college.”
KVP Student